Evergreen Trees cut down and devoured/Vision

I saw men with hard-hats on. Workmen. They were eating green evergreen trees.Like christmas trees only no decorations on them. I could tell the evergreen trees had been cut down a few days b/c they were beginning to dry out.. The man just picked-up the cut down tree turned it around in his hand then begin to eat the tree. He had the tree in his hand, turned the trunk towards his face and opened his mouth and it covered the entire tree trunk. In one bit the man took a huge bite off the trunk. He kept doing this till he had the entire tree ate.
Rose of Sharon

This is an interesting dream............

Trees do represent people.......the type of tree is important, because each tree represents something else. For instance, we know that the Fig tree is political Israel. The Olive Tree is religious Israel.

The Oak Tree represents death and sorrow because many people were buried under oak trees in the bible. The Myrtle tree represents joy and life. The Pine, Fir Trees represent the happy, radiant, prosperous christian life. There are many references to us as trees. We are Oaks (Trees) of Righteousness Is. 61:3 We are the planting of the Lord Ps. 104:16 Many trees Is 55:12

So, we see that people are trees.......... but it is also noted that they were first cut off, then they withered, then they were eaten.

We are at a time in history when we are beginning to see men being cut off from their refusal to serve God, or to acknowledge God, and they are paying the price now. When we reject God, then we will be cut off and be left to the destroyer.

God has warned us in America. He has called us to Himself. But, if we reject Him, then we will reap the death that we have chosen over His Life.

This dream shows just what is coming.

Those who reject God, or who compromise their faith, their walk, their morals, and they turn away from God.... then they are given over to their own ways, and will be devoured by the destroyer who has been loosed.

We will either serve God or satan.

We will either walk holy or profane.

It's our choice.

I don't want to be cut off, or to wither away into dry tinder, and be eaten by those who don't care.

We know what the WORD says, the problem is.......we don't live it or believe it. So, there has been released a Fear of the Lord returning to His House. We will walk humbly before Him or we will walk into destruction. Serious dream................. but needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
